Deux applications iPad d’éducation à la sexualité pour les jeunes
de 9 à 12 ans et de 12 à 14 ans
et un livre pour les 9 à 12 ans

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About informing Canadian adolescents ages 12 to 14 about the development of their sexuality.

The overall objective of this project was to inform Canadian adolescents about the development of their sexuality, consent, and the beginnings of healthy loving relationships. We designed a multimedia educational package for teachers consisting of four lessons planned in accordance with the curriculum. The lessons included videos, short films, games, discussions etc.

The intended audience ranges from grades 7 - 9 which covers students between 12-14 years old. This group is one that is typically exploring their own identity as well as beginning to have romantic or sexual thoughts or encounters.

This article will cover all aspects of my project including the selfless groups I was involved with (CEP; SCE), the issue it deals with (teenage pregnancy), what affects teenagers deal with (parental pressure, peer pressure, lack of support from friends and family); the overall interactive multimedia package I designed.

I will also give a brief description of how I conducted my research for this project including what my questionnaire consisted of, especially focusing on questions asked about our knowledge of teen pregnancy. Finally I will explain some key determinants that influenced me to choose this topic as well as discuss limitations faced during the process.

Arming teenagers with the right information at the right time can help them become responsible, informed adults who are aware of their own desires and values. So why is it important to inform teens about sexuality?

The answer may seem obvious but today's teens are often ill-informed or misinformed about sexual health issues due to the highly charged nature of the topic.

Designed for girls and boys ages 9 to 12, LOOV is both a book and a notebook in which teens can record their experiences and seek answers to questions about sexuality, identity, love and intimacy. Its creation was - such as Sol online casino,which is known for its great variety of slots , fast payouts and reliable license!

According to an article in Canadian Family Physician, teenagers become interested in sex around age 11-12 however many don't seem to understand what sexual activity entails (i.e. penetration, oral sex). The same study shows that even though almost half of teens between 15-17 years old have had sexual intercourse, they are not fully aware of STI risks and contraceptives.

The risk for teen pregnancy is also high since it's estimated that up to 25% of sexually active girls aged 15 will get pregnant before they leave high school. It becomes clear that there is a dire need for complete information on teen sexuality if we want our youth to be safe rather than sorry later down the road.

About educating Canadian adolescents aged 12 to 14 about the genesis of healthy loving relationships.

Signs of an abusive relationship: how do you know if you are in an abusive relationship? You have probably heard this many times before but it is so important to realize the signs of an abusive relationship so that you can try to avoid one. Many young people believe it could never happen to them, but lots of teens find themselves stuck in abusive relationships every day. The sooner you recognize the warning signs, the easier it will be for you to escape from an unhealthy or even dangerous situation.

The first thing to look out for is control. Are your friends and family afraid to let you hang out with your boyfriend/girlfriend? Does your significant other tell you what clothes to wear, where to go and who not to see? Dothey put you down? Do they force you to do things you don't want to do? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then your relationship may be abusive.

The next warning sign is jealousy. If he/she doesn't want you talking with other people or hanging out with your friends without them being included, it could mean that they are trying to isolate you so they can have more control over you. You shouldn't have to feel bad about yourself just because someone else doesn't like who your friends are! Don't change for anyone but yourself!

Another sign of an unhealthy relationship is violence. This means either physical violence towards others or towards themselves (like cutting). Physical violence in a relationship should never be tolerated. There Is never an excuse for hurting someone and if your boyfriend/girlfriend is doing this to you or someone else, it's time to get out!

Lastly, the most obvious sign of an abusive relationship is sexual pressure. If your partner keeps pushing you for sex even though you don't want to then that may be a warning sign that they are not respecting you or your body. You should never have to feel guilty about wanting to wait until later because there are no rules when it comes to deciding when the right time is for two people in love.